CCDC 2021 - Registration is Open!
We are pleased to announce that the Canadian Cyber Defence Challenge (CCDC) is back for 2021!
This year we have teamed up with Vancouver International Privacy & Security Summit (VIPSS) | Reboot Communications Ltd. (Reboot) to host our 9th annual cyber defence challenge to be held May 5 - 7, 2021. This will be a virtual challenge event. The event activities will be available online to secondary and post-secondary students/ teams registered across the country. The challenge activities will be broadcast via live-stream updates available on the VIPSS virtual platform. In addition to participating in the online cyber defence challenge, all registered students/teams will be granted two-day VIPSS conference passes, May 6 - 7 valued at $350. This is an exclusive offer and opportunity for students to participate in a world-class conference event with international subject matter experts from government, private sector, and academia as they discuss the major impacts of how Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing, Cybersecurity, Big Data, E-Commerce, Bioethics, Facial Recognition, Data Governance and Innovation, will shape our future.
CCDC invites teachers and students to be part of this year's 2021 challenge event. Team registration prices have significantly changed due to the online setup. Students can register teams up to 4 students | 3 students | 2 Students (Post-Secondary ONLY) | Individual player admission. This last category is for post-secondary students and high school teachers with students who are interested in participating - but do not have the time/resources to organize a team. Individual students who register will be asked to complete a simple skills profile. CCDC will utilize this information to assign the students to teams to ensure a fair and competitive distribution of skills. More information on the event and the challenge will be posted on our website in the days and weeks ahead.
Registration opens at 6:00 AM, Wed., March 17.
Visit the CCDC website for details.
This year's event spans three days - coinciding with the virtual conference. The first day will be the online cyber defence range that is integrated with a business forensics study and analysis. The business story is made of a series of pre-recorded audio-video scripts that enact a simulated cyberattack on a hotel. Students will need to watch and listen carefully to the story and pull together the cybersecurity challenges and forensics associated with the crime to solve the business challenge. The students need to keep track of their forensics to develop their recommendations. This year's event challenge for Day 1 will run from 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM CDT. The system will be available for the full 10 hours. We are planning to have industry professional volunteers assigned to support each of the virtual teams.
During the second day, teams will have the opportunity to present their findings and recommendations based on their business forensics and technical analysis. Teams will be evaluated, points will be assessed and submitted for final processing. Only the top eight teams will be qualified to present - based on the results of their technical scores on Day 1. The cut-off time for the teams that qualify for the presentation stage will be determined and announced closer to the competition. The remaining teams will be required to complete and submit an online report - similar to a Digital Forensics Incident Response Report (DFIR). The reports will be evaluated and assessed and the results will be made available to all of the participating teams. Once again, as in previous challenges, overall winners are based on a combination of technical, business and presentation points. The winners will be announced to an industry audience on Day 3 - as part of the closing activities of the VIPSS conference.
CCDC is excited to be part of this opportunity and to collaborate with VIPSS as part of their international virtual conference program - which is focused on bringing together 1500 delegates, 2000+ students, over 80 subject matter experts and leaders from around the world to participate using a “digital-first” virtual platform.
Don't miss this exciting opportunity to be part of CCDC 2021!